
Great features

  1. Loans are available for both one month and multiple monthly Instalments
  2. Funds from the facility are instantly available into your account

What you require to sign up

  1. To qualify for this loan you must have an active Equity bank account for the previous 6 months.

  2. An active USSD ie Eazzy 24/7 or Eazzy banking App. If you do not have an account, open one up instantly by simply dialing *247# using your current number, then collect your Equitel line from your nearest Equity Bank branch or select Equity Agents.


Why you should sign up for this product

  1. You receive the loan instantly on your phone, saving you valuable time.
  2. It offers a flexible repayment period of up to 1 months.
  3. This loan facility is safe and secure.

Additionally Why you should sign up for this product

Simple Steps on How to Get the EazzyLoan

Securing a Loan at Equity Bank on your mobile phone using the APP

  1. Log on into the Eazzy Banking app
  2. Select loans
  3. Select Eazzy loan limit / Request for loans
  4. Enter amount
  5. Accept terms and conditions
  6. Enter your pin


  • Attractive interest rates
  • Flexible repayment period of up to 30 days
  • One can borrow up to a maximum of UGX 3,000,000/=
  • Quick loan processing


  • An active Equity bank account for a minimum of six months
  • Credit limits showing maximum amounts one can borrow at a time
  • Eazzy Banking App now available on IOS or USSD code

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Equity Bank Uganda Limited is regulated by the Bank of Uganda, Company Number 52619. Customer deposits are protected by the Deposit Protection Fund of Uganda up to UGX 10 Million Shillings. Terms and Conditions apply..