Hotline +255 768985500


Great features

  1. Interest is at an 18% flat rate
  2. LACE is at 2%

What you require to sign up

  1. You should be an account holder with Equity Bank for at least 3 months
  2. You should have a registered business
  3. You should have a permanent business location
  4. Have acceptable securities
  5. Show proof of reliable cash flows

Why you should sign up for this product

  1. Minimum loan amount is TSh 100,000 while maximum is TSh 10,000,000
  2. Flexible security requirements e.g. chattels, log books, shares or cash cover, debentures, title deeds, guarantors, residential license, etc are accepted
  3. Maximum repayment period is up to 1 year
  4. Repayments are negotiated to match the seasonality of proceeds
  5. Credit Insurance is included

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Equity Bank is Regulated by Bank of Tanzania (BOT)