Hotline +255 768985500


Great features

  1. New vehicles - 10% flat interest rate
  2. Used Vehicles - 12% flat interest rate below 8 years
  3. LACE is at 2%

What you require to sign up

  1. Should be an account holder with Equity Bank for at least 6 months
  2. You should be a school owner
  3. You should have salaried employees
  4. You should have a registered business
  5. School fees must be paid through the bank
  6. Show proof of reliable cash flow

Why you should sign up for this product

  1. Minimum loan amount is TSh 6,000,000 and maximum depends on ability to repay
  2. Maximum repayment period is up to 48 months
  3. The repayment period is flexible.
  4. The asset being financed is the security
  5. The facility is self-liquidating
  6. Minimum owners' contribution is at 30%.

We would like to call you back regarding this product.

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Equity Bank is Regulated by Bank of Tanzania (BOT)