
Insurance Premium Financing

Paying insurance premiums can be a challenge. That’s why Equity offers Insurance Premium Financing. It provides a financial boost to individuals, traders, institutions, and limited companies to enable them pay their insurance premiums with ease.

What is Insurance Premium Financing?

Paying insurance premiums can be a challenge. That’s why Equity 
offers Insurance Premium Financing. It provides a financial boost to 
individuals, traders, institutions, and limited companies to enable them 
pay their insurance premiums with ease. 

How it works

Once you get insurance through Equity, whether medical or non-medical (e.g. Motor Insurance, Biashara Insurance, Agriculture Insurance, Home Insurance and Fire and Perils Insurance), you can apply for a short term loan to cover the cost of the premium upfront and repay it in easy monthly instalments

  • Application requirements

    • A duly completed Insurance Premium Financing application form
    • For Individuals: Copies of your Identification card and PIN certificate
    • For Limited Companies: CR 12 and a duly signed company resolution
  • Benefits you receive

    • Flexible, affordable monthly repayment  (6–10 months)
    • 100% financing of the premium
    • No security is needed – it’s easy and accessible
  • Repayment period

    • Medical Insurance Premiums– 6 months
    • Non-medical Insurance Premiums – 10 months
  • Brochures

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is Equity Bancassurance Intermediary Limited?

    This is a wholly owned subsidiary of Equity Bank Limited offering bancassurance products and services to the public

  • What is the process of signing up for your insurance products and services?

    You can obtain insurance products and services from your nearest Equity Bank branch where you will be assisted by our bancassurance officer.

  • What are some of the products offered by Equity Bancassurance Intermediary Limited?

    Micro Insurance 

    • A product that provides all risks cover to Chattels and business stocks

    Medical Insurance

    • We have two off the shelf flagship products namely Equihealth and Equimed.
    • We also tailor make corporate medical covers
    • We also offer medical scheme administration. 

    Motor Insurance

    • A wide range of product offering which includes, motor cycle, motor private, motor commercial and institutional buses.

    General non motor insurance

    • This includes Fire and perils, Burglary, All risks, Fidelity Guarantee, Political Violence and Terrorism, Money Insurance, Work Injury Benefits Act (WIBA), Group Personal Accident, Marine, Public Liability, Travel Insurance among others.

    Agriculture insurance

    • We offer livestock insurance and Crop insurance against the insured perils.

    Credit life assurance

    • This policy pays off the outstanding loan amount in the event of unfortunate Death or Permanent Total Disability (PTD) of a borrower.
  • In the event of a claim, how do I get compensated?

    Immediately report to your bancassurance officer or to your nearest Equity Bank branch. Our bancassurance officer will assist you fill a claim form and give you a step-by-step advice on the claim process and the time it will take to settle the claim.

  • Where can you access insurance services?

    You can obtain insurance products and services from your nearest Equity Bank branch.

  • What should I have when going to buy a motor insurance cover at my Equity Bank branch?

    When coming to buy motor insurance, kindly carry your driving licence and a copy of the logbook

  • What happens if I cannot raise the premium for the motor insurance at once?

    In this case we have a flexible payment arrangement that can be obtain from your Equity bank branch  

  • Can I access medical care as soon as I’m on cover for Equimed and Equihealth?

    Yes, for accidental cases, you can start immediately utilizing the card. Additionally, you will start to access other benefits as well in line with set waiting periods.

  • Complaints Handling Process
    • Lodge complaint at any of our branches, via call center, info@equitybank.co.ke or website: https://equitygroupholdings.com/ke/ We will record your feedback and issue you with a reference number.
    • We will acknowledge you feedback within 48hours.
    • If we cannot resolve the complaint immediately, we will advise on the next cause of action and when to expect feedback from us.
    • We will endeavor to resolve the complaint within 7 working days.  However, should we require more time to it, we will keep you updated with progress every 7 days until the complaint is resolved.
    • Should the resolution not meet your satisfaction, feel free to get back to us with your concerns and we will review the issue and resolution and revert back to you.
  • Rights and obligations

    • T & Cs of products are available on website and as part of account opening form.
    • Data privacy policy included in customer onboarding and account opening forms"

  • Transaction Process

    Once all the documents are availed the customer can pay in cash, three consecutive installments or through insurance premium financing.

  • If cancer is diagnosed and I’m on Core level plan are the outpatient appointments covered?

    From the date an insured person is diagnosed as suffering from cancer, whether it is in its acute, or chronic or terminal stage, all and any treatment received thereafter on an in-patient, day-care or out-patient basis involving: consultations, diagnostic tests, scans, investigations, prescribed drugs and dressings, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, stem cell transplants (from either bone marrow or blood), cold cap therapies, routine management and palliative treatments; will be assessed and paid for under this item. Eligible costs incurred up to the point of diagnosis are not paid under this item of your policy.

We would like to call you back regarding this product.

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