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Ksh. 1,100,000

Vacant Property is located at Thorn groove area of Kajiado County.

  • Area: 0.04 HA
  • It is situated 6.5 Kms South of Kitengela township. It is located about 3.7 Kms off and to the right of old Kajiado /Namanga Road deviating at the road to Thorn groove school.
  • The property lies within GPS Coordinates 1°30’24.0’’S 36°55’06.4’’E.
  • Plot Description: This is a rectangular plot, Rectangular with a level gradient.
  • Services: Immediate access road is hardcore surfaced. Piped Water and mains electricity services are readily available about a kilometer away for connection into the subject property. Foul drainage would be into a pit latrine or septic tank.
Vacant Property is located at Thorn groove area of Kajiado County.

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