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Ksh. 1,200,000

Vacant Property In Matali area of Oloika Kitengela, Kajiado County. pl

  • Size: 0.041HA
  • This is a, rectangular shaped with a near even gradient. Soils are of black cotton type. Boundaries are marked by survey beacons. The Immediate access road is earth surfaced into the subject property, piped water and mains electricity services are availab
  • The property is located In Matali area of Oloika Kitengela, Kajiado County. It is situated about 9.8 Kilometres off and to the right of Kitengela-Namanga road deviating at Ola petrol station onto Acacia Road. It lies about 3 Kilometres to the southwes
The property lie within GPS coordinates 1°32’31.2” S  36°52’44.1”E.

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