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Ksh. 1,800,000

Residential Property is situated in Ndodo village, Mtwapa area Kilifi County.

  • Area: 0.04 HA
  • The property lies within GPS Coordinates 3°56’14.8’’S 39°46’16.7’’E.
  • Property is situated in Ndodo village, Mtwapa area Kilifi County. It is situated about 4.4 Kms off and to the right of Mombasa-Mtwapa-Malindi road deviating a road leading to KP Senior secondary school.
  • Plot Description: This is a rectangular plot in shape with a slope South West. Boundaries are left open. Erected on the plot are two houses.
  • Services: Immediate access road is earth surfaced. Piped Water and mains electricity services are readily available in the neighborhood for connection into the subject property. Foul drainage would be into a pit latrine or septic tank.
  • Tenure: Leasehold interest held for a period of 999 years with effwet from 24th January 1927at an annual ground rent of Kes 2,690 (Revisable)
Residential Property is situated in Ndodo village, Mtwapa area Kilifi County.

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