
Diaspora Organization Account

Diaspora organization account is ideal for non-profit organization and NGOs under foreign law

Features of the Diaspora Organization Account

  1. It’s free to open with no required minimum balance
  2. You get free monthly E-statements
  3. There is no limit on the frequency of withdrawals
  4. Account holders have access to international debit cards
  5. Account holders have access to internet banking

What You Require to Open this Account

In order to open this account, ensure you have the following documents, which should be notarized by a lawyer or the DRC Embassy in the country of registration:

  • Legal registration proof of the non-profit organization
  • Operating authorization given by the President of DRC
    • Non objection letter given by the NGO’s field supervising ministry in DRC
    • Or agreement issued by the ministry of Planning
  • Article of associations
    • if not specify in the articles of association, a General Assembly or Board of Directors resolution appointing all the directors and specifying account management power
  • Internal regulations
  • Valid identification documents of all the founders
  • Valid identification documents of all authorized signatories in the account (valid passport, valid residence permit if applicable, photo, etc)
  • Account opening resolution signed by duly authorized representatives on the letterhead, then sealed.
  • Duly completed and signed account-opening forms.
  • FATCA W-9 and confidentiality waiver forms for US clients
  • Sign up Process

    1. Download the application forms and email indemnity form and complete both
    2. Collect all the documents listed in requirements above
    3. Send all of them via email to diaspora@equitybcdc.cd
    4. Ensure to also send the original (hard copy) email indemnity form via post to the address below:
      Diaspora Banking, Equity Banque Commerciale du Congo SA.
      4b, Avenue des Aviateurs, Gombe/Kinshasa, DRC.
    5. For any further clarification, write to us diaspora@equitybcdc.cd and we will get back to you.
  • Complaints Handling Process

    • Lodge complaint at any of our branches, via diaspora@equitybcdc.cd. We will record your feedback and issue you with a reference number.
    • We will acknowledge your feedback within 48hours.
    • If we cannot resolve the complaint immediately, we will advise on the next cause of action and when to expect feedback from us.
    • We will endeavour to resolve the complaint within 7 working days. However, should we require more time to it, we will keep you updated with progress every 7 days until the complaint is resolved.
    • Should the resolution not meet your satisfaction, feel free to get back to us with your concerns and we will review the issue and resolution and revert back to you.
  • Terms and Conditions

We would like to call you back regarding this product.

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Equity BCDC is Regulated by Central Bank of Congo
Language:English, Francais