Hotline +243-818-302-700
Hotline +243-818-302-700
To prepare for the next agricultural season, to contribute equity to investments in your business and, if necessary, to guarantee loans to be obtained from the bank.
Benefit from financing for the development of your activity.
The specificities of agricultural activities often lead to a cash flow gap. This is why EquityBCDC offers you AGRODISPO, a loan that allows you to better manage your cash flow needs.
Benefit from financing for the purchase of your agricultural equipment.
To assist you in the purchase of equipment or the construction of buildings dedicated to your agricultural activity, Equity Bank offers you AGROMAT, a flexible loan adapted to your cash flow.
Benefit from financing for the trade of agricultural products.
AGROCOM is a loan that allows actors in the agricultural value chain to finance the sale, processing, storage, import and export of agricultural products and materials.
Proven experience in the field:
For example:
1. Granary credit / Credit against stock / Warrantage:
Specifically designed for maize value chain actors in Greater Katanga, this credit allows actors to benefit from working capital for the purchase or sale of additional stocks or production financing. This credit is secured by the stock.
What are the eligibility criteria for the Grenier credit?
How does it work?
2. Credit to producers via their cooperative or an umbrella company:
This credit is intended for small to medium-sized agricultural producers who are members of a structured and legally recognized group or cooperative or who have a contract with a federating enterprise to benefit from loans for any need related to the development of their agricultural activities.
All these loans have the advantage of being modular and therefore adaptable to the situation of each actor or entity. The seasonality of the agricultural activity, the market access conditions, the alternative guarantee possibilities and the value chain approach are taken into account.
Make sure you have the following beforehand: