Overdraft for Employees

Réserve d’argent fonction du salaire mensuel, à durée déterminée, renouvelable par tacite reconduction et disponible à tout moment pour les employés...

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Installment loans & Mortgage

Somme d’argent disponible sous forme de prêt à durée déterminée pour les clients remplissant les critères de la politique crédit de la Banque....

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Financing products for Employees

We offer loans to employees who work for companies and other credible entities to enable them to meet their various needs...

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Instalment Loans (short-term and long-term)

We offer this loan to meet the working capital or business asset needs of our customers....

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Agrobusiness offer

EquityBCDC supports players in the agricultural sector in financing their activities....

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Bullet Repayment Loans

This product allows quick access to a financial facility to execute the contract and to secure repayment with the completion of the deal or with an invoice...

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Trade Finance

We offer the possibility of financing trade of goods and services, both locally and internationally, as well as financing against trade documents....

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Collateral Management Agreement / Warehouse receipt / Warrantage

Working capital or fixed assets for value chain actors (farmers, processors, etc.) of seasonal agricultural products stored in a certified warehouse....

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Coopérative Loan

This loan targets players in agricultural export value chains such as coffee, cocoa and other export products....

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Agrobusiness offer

EquityBCDC supports players in the agricultural sector in financing their activities....

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Equity BCDC is Regulated by Central Bank of Congo
Language:English, Francais